Slicing white and red cabbage, massaging it with salt, adding an apple, caraway seeds and juniper berries, mixing it and putting it in a clean jar. Add some time and that’s all you need to make your own homemade fruity sauerkraut! We love it on sandwiches, in bowls and with stews.

1 small head red cabbage 1 small head white cabbage 1 apple 20g (0.7 oz) salt per 1 kg (35 oz) cabbage 1 tbsp. caraway seeds 1 tsp juniper berries, lightly crushed
1 large or several small jars with screw or swing tops
Clean the two cabbage heads and finely slice them with a mandolin. Weigh them in a bowl and add 20g (0.7 oz) of salt per 1 kg (35 oz) of cabbage. Massage the cabbage with the salt until juice comes out. Coarsely grate the apple and add it, as well as the spices and mix well. Pour into a large sterilized jar or several smaller ones, but do not fill the jars too full! If there is any liquid left in the bowl, empty it into the jar. The cabbage should be completely covered with liquid and there should be no air pockets. Leave at room temperature for about 7-10 days, preferably on a piece of kitchen paper in case juice leaks from the jar due to the fermentation process. Do not place the jar in direct sunlight. Open the jar every day and press the cabbage down with a clean spoon so it is covered by liquid. When the cabbage smells and tastes sour, put the jar in the refrigerator. The sauerkraut can be stored in the refrigerator for at least one month. Serve on bowls, in sandwiches, salads or with a stew.